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NYE and Goals…is it over yet?

NYE and Goals…is it over yet?

New year’s eve presents us with the edge of a new year, a fresh start! And who doesn’t love a fresh start right? Well you’re in luck. There are lots of different new year celebrations in a ‘year’. For example Chinese new year follows a lunar calendar and begins on January 25th and runs for 15 days. Welcome to the year of the rat by the way! There are many cultures who also follow a lunar calender instead of the…

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8 Amazing books I read in 2019

8 Amazing books I read in 2019

If you know me at all, you’ll know I love me some books! I will attempt to read just about anywhere, anytime and almost anything! Truly! I was that kid under the covers with a flashlight and then streetlight when I got busted and my light taken away, I was hiding books under desks at school, heck I’d even read cereal boxes if that’s all there was! Today I can offer myself more than a cornflakes box, and I do…

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2 Easy Self Care Choices

2 Easy Self Care Choices

You know how coaches and teachers ask that fun question “if I had a magic wand right here to change everything for you…what would it look like?” I LOVE that question. It brings into our awareness what it is we REALLY want. One swipe of the magic wand is all your getting, so make it count right?! The problem comes when we get overwhelmed by the enormity of the whole thing. Generally, it’s a LOT of changes all at once….

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Purpose and Passion

Purpose and Passion

It often takes something BIG to shake up our world and make us realize we have so much more to offer and so much more we want to do. I enjoy referring to this as being ‘shaken awake’. It really is like suddenly being made aware that you were dozing off this whole time. Seriously, so many people just living life on automatic, dis-engaged from themselves and from the world as a whole. But something usually comes around and starts…

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Comfort Zone? Is It Really?

Comfort Zone? Is It Really?

Comfort zones? We hear a lot of talk about this idea. It labels a point in our life, or an area of our lives that we are so familiar with and so comfortable in, that we mire ourselves there quite happily. But consider…is it REALLY all that comfortable? A lot of folks will tell you they are happy and are not interested in changing anything, but I don’t buy it anymore. First of all, consider that if these ‘zones’ are…

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Growing In Personal Empowerment (video inside!)

Growing In Personal Empowerment (video inside!)

Let’s get clear on what it means to gain personal empowerment. In this weeks video, I not only share what it means to feel dis-empowered but give you a whole handful of ways to get started walking the road with your own power in place! Big love, Bonnie p.s. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more!

Spotting Sneaky Complaining (video inside!)

Spotting Sneaky Complaining (video inside!)

What is complaining? When you go off about something you’re not happy about with no intention of finding a solution! But there are other more subtle ways of complaining that can really hurt our relationships with others and ourselves! Not all complaining is done in the same way, but it still damages relationships, builds and re-enforces a victim mindset and more. It’s SO important to be aware of our own actions! Is this your sneaky way of complaining possibly YOUR…

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Are You Busy or Productive? (video inside!)

Are You Busy or Productive? (video inside!)

Feeling like your spinning your wheels lately? We’ve all been there. Wondering how to get going in the right direction when you are stressed or overwhelmed and it feels like everything is ‘too much’? You know what I mean. Those times when we know we ‘should’ be doing something, but end up doing not much at all. Sound familiar? It should because I think we’ve all been there at one time or another. So take a deep breath with me….

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Do you Procrastinate? Here’s Why! (video included!)

Do you Procrastinate? Here’s Why! (video included!)

Do you procrastinate and then end up beating yourself and wondering just WHAT is wrong with you? Well my friend, you are not alone. In fact, you might find this clubhouse kind of crowded! Quite often we hear it’s a lack of motivation or inspiration or meditation or eating the right sort of …whatever. We get a lot of mumbo-jumbo stuff that actually ends up just being ANOTHER thing on our to-do list that we never get around to doing….

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Why Affirmations Work

Why Affirmations Work

And I’ve listened to those who claimed they could do anything from getting your motivation back to literally curing whatever ailed you (including cancer if you can believe that!) I’ve also had clients (and friends and colleagues) who hated them. They called them bunk, nonsense, woo-woo, new age junk…you name it. I went through a period of time when I used affirming phrases like they were a limited time offer! And they worked…mostly. It was an interesting and experimental time…

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